
Search results

  1. Global Climate Change: Update 2020

    mountainous areas where travel would otherwise be hindered by ice and snow. Large numbers of people were freed ... were significant. So much labor was freed from agriculture that large numbers of people were able to go ...

  2. Preparing Newsprint for Bedding

    changing. A 2012 study indicated 23 percent of people living in the United States said they had read a print ...

  3. Chicken Breed Selection

    Resources, Hocking County  There are various reasons people raise chickens: for eggs, meat, show and ... towards people.  Egg and Meat Production Some chicken breeds are referred to as dual-purpose breeds that ...

  4. Dr. Eugene Law

    right?”. This led to a great conversation about “weedy” plant traits and when people might consider a plant ...

  5. Reducing 2,4-D and Dicamba Drift Risk to Fruits, Vegetables and Landscape Plants

    cannot co-exist. However, the perceived risks may not be as high as many people fear. 2,4-D and dicamba ... incidents can happen. Before filing a drift complaint, talk to other people such as an Extension Educator to ...

  6. New Hire Announcement – Welcome, Dr. Eugene Law

    a great conversation about “weedy” plant traits and when people might consider a plant to be a weed, and ...

  7. 20 Questions on Plant Diagnosis

    years that occur on pines. Every fall, many people become worried about the yellowing, browning and ... most important information of all. People who work in a diagnostic laboratory will tell you the ... the landscaping may only make periodical visits. Who knows most about the plants? It may be the people ...

  8. Recognizing 4-H Volunteers Utilizing State Awards to Show Appreciation

    most do not do the work for recognition. Volunteering to help both the community and people are ...

  9. Leading Recreation at a 4-H Community Club Meeting

    game, but more life-sized. You will have four to five people per team with some serving as card ...

  10. Farming with Upper Extremity Limitation/Amputation

    process. People heal more slowly as they get older. The more complex the amputation and its wound, the ...
