
Search results

  1. Register Now for SmartAg 4.0! (September 16-17)

    support of business strategists, subject matter experts, thought leaders, and idea people.  More simply ...

  2. Safe Zone Training

    welcoming and inclusive of LGBTQ people.    This free training will be held in the Rosa Ailabouni Room of ...

  3. Botulism: What is it?

    people may be affected by the toxin. The CDC states that all cases of botulism are caused by eating food ...

  4. CFAES Faculty Lead on Global Water Issues

    freshwater. Still today, 2.1 billion people live without safe drinking water at home. Damaged ecosystems, ...

  5. Tri-State Diversity Converence

    goal is to link people and resources together in order to better integrate diversity into programs, ...

  6. Ferdous-e-Elahi: Enhancing Food Security in Bangladesh

    Abed, founder of BRAC in Bangladesh. He is not only an inspiration for the Bangladeshi people, but also ... optimistic that together we will be able to provide sufficient, safe, nutritious food to 9 billion people by ...

  7. Marestail: Roundup Won't Kill It!

    Marestail... if you frequent farm stores you've heard people talking about how hard it is to ...

  8. Central Ohio Precision Ag Symposium

    Magazine’s 2016 Top 10 (#4) People in Precision Agriculture. Dr. Scott Shearer, Chair, Department of Food and ...

  9. Ohio State will study how deglobalization could impact food, energy and water systems in region

    investment in the people and resources needed to continuously accelerate discovery at Ohio State. By building ...

  10. Ohio State Peace Corps Recruiter Awarded Prestigious Lillian Carter Award

    Corps' third goal of promoting a better understanding of other peoples on the part of Americans. Jack was ... people, has brought about Ohio State’s rise to #4 in the Peace Corps’ annual rankings of colleges and ...
