
Search results

  1. Summary of Hydraulic Fracturing in Ohio

    experience a significant inflow of people to support shale gas development. As a result, local leaders should ...

  2. Establishing Early Successional Habitat for Wildlife

    grasses are different from the cool-season grasses most people are used to working with, and they require ...

  3. All Things Sweet: Sugar and Other Sweeteners

    completely absorbed by the digestive system.  Many people question the safety of artificial sweeteners, even ...

  4. Ticks and Tick-Borne Diseases

    white-tailed deer. Hence, some people call them “deer ticks.” Mating can occur on or off of a host. The female ... rickettsii, hence, relatively few people are infected. Furthermore, an infected tick must be attached for at ...

  5. Wild Mushrooms

    13. Smooth white  Lepiota. Grassy areas, late summer to early autumn. Edible for most people. Be aware ...

  6. Keeping Plants Healthy

    introducing pests dangerous to people, plants and animals is real. Government eradication programs are ...

  7. Nematode Diseases of Plants

    people. Plant parasitic nematodes may attack the roots, stem, foliage and flowers of plants. All plant ...

  8. Food Safety in Gardens

    gardening methods. Dirty water, soil, soil amendments, animals, gardening tools and peoples’ hands are ...

  9. Turning Crude Glycerin into Polyurethane Foam and Biopolyols

    construction, and insulation industries. Most people are familiar with PU foam as an insulating material. ...

  10. Growing American Ginseng in Ohio: Harvesting, Washing, and Drying

    valuable, particularly if it is damaged. While many people simply hand wash their roots, others spread them ...
