
Search results

  1. Rabbit Basics for the Beginner

    heat well and depend on water to cool their bodies. Many people insist on feeding supplements to their ...

  2. Feral Swine in Ohio: Managing Damage and Conflicts

    that can affect people, pets, livestock and wildlife (Table 1). Two diseases of great concern in Ohio ...

  3. Your Old Barn: Reasons for Rehabilitation

    with the people who built them. Even today, rural barn raising presents a forceful image of community ...

  4. Session Four: Darkness: A Disappearing Habitat Vital to Life on Earth

    register so we know how many people to expect each week. Please register here:  ...

  5. Session Three: The Importance of Trees

    register so we know how many people to expect each week. Please register here:  ...

  6. New Nozzles for Spray Drift Reduction

    always been in the minds of people who apply pesticides. However, spray drift has become a very serious ...

  7. Giant Caterpillars

    can persist for minutes to hours and people allergic to the venom can have even more severe reactions. ...

  8. Testing Private Water Sources and Resolving Contamination Issues near Shale Oil and Gas Development

    Summary As the oil and gas industry continues to expand in Ohio, people using private water supplies near ...

  9. Understanding Genetically Modified Foods

    itself. The FDA regulates the safety of all GM crops that are consumed by people or animals (FDA, 2015, ... nutrients. Can this provide nutrient-dense food supplies for people with limited resources? GMOs could allow ...

  10. Using Ice to Protect Outdoor-Growing Plants against Frosts and Freezes

    available to protect crops from frosts, let us define frost and freeze. For many people, these two words ...
