
Search results

  1. Farm Science Review 2020

    requires any event which is open to the public be accessible to people with disabilities. With planning and ...

  2. Northwest Ohio Crops Day

    Garth Ruff at or Stephanie Jaqua at The event will be held at the ...

  3. Midwest Dairy Challenge Held in Menomonie, Wisconsin

    Andrew Lefeld, Alissa Hunter, Melinda Miller, Stephanie Neal, and Teresa Smith. Their teams received ... the contest: Andrew Lefeld, Alissa Hunter, Stephanie Neal, and Teresa Smith. The North American ...

  4. 4-H and Collegiate Dairy Judging Results

    John Langel securing the 4th high individual designation.  Other team members included Stephanie Neal, ... Stephanie Neal and John Langel were ranked 6th overall with three members finishing in the top 25.  In ... all.  Stephanie, John, and Neil all finished in the top 25 overall in placings AND reasons to receive an ...

  5. Are Periodical Cicadas a Threat to Field Crops?

    egg stage to the adult stage. Some people mistakenly refer to this insect as a locust. Unfortunately, ... projected called Cicada Safari with a reporting application for people to report where they run into ...

  6. Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities resources

    is considered as part of all service and support plans for people with disabilities. Community ...

  7. Burned out caring for someone? Attend this workshop

    COLUMBUS, Ohio—As people age and some become disabled, they may need a caregiver, and while that ... workshop is for people who care for someone who is disabled or sick, adult children concerned about aging ... discussion. “People will learn relaxation techniques. They can vent. They can ask, ‘What do I do now?’” ...

  8. Spraying Done Right!

    This 1-hour long Zoom webinar, on February 4th at noon, is meant for growers, and for people who ...

  9. Antibiotic Stewardship in Calves – Part 1

    antibiotic resistance not only affects livestock producers, but the lay people as well. Overusing or misusing ...

  10. Workshop Presenters and Exhibitors- February 22, 2020

    support across the lifespan of people with developmental disabilities, the Ohio Department of ... older Ohioans, people with disabilities and their families. Buckeye Hills Regional Council  ... life for older adults, people with disabilities, their families and caregivers. We promote choice, ...
