
Search results

  1. You Can Help Secrest Arboretum Touch More People

    Do your memories of Secrest Arboretum include rambling through it as a student or taking the grandkids to play on the slide? Maybe you were on campus after the tornado went through in 2010 changing the landscape forever. Or you have you not been yet, and ...

  2. Ives Hall

    240 people. Accessibility and ample light were two things placed first in planning Ives. Every ...

  3. Campus Campaign 2014 Wrap-Up

    to work with some really great people! I am also an ambassador for the Campus Campaign. The amount ...

  4. Bioprocessing Research Lab- People

      Director Dr. Frederick C. Michel Phone: 330-263-3859, Email: Dr. Michel is an Associate Professor in the  Department of Food Agricultural and Biological Engineering  and an Adjunt Professor in the  Department of Chemical and Biomolecul ...

  5. 2014 Alumni Awards Luncheon

    About 180 people met for a hearty lunch and heartfelt appreciation as The Ohio State University ...
