
Search results

  1. Learning and Relationships: Practical Strategies

    Learning, and Professor of History at Elon University (US). Professionally, he is curious about how people ...

  2. myPostdoc Monthly: Did They Really Just Say That?! Responding to Bias at Work

    welcoming, inclusive, and affirming environments for all people. This training seeks to empower and equip ...

  3. Professional Development Workshop: Men, Women, and Everyone Else: An Exploration of Sex, Gender, and Gender Identity (Wooster)

    transgender people will be dispelled and a basic language for discussing gender identity will be introduced. ...

  4. Professional Development Workshop: Men, Women, and Everyone Else: An Exploration of Sex, Gender, and Gender Identity (Columbus)

    transgender people will be dispelled and a basic language for discussing gender identity will be introduced. ...

  5. JOANN and 4-H Collaborate!

    cards, which were used to send love to people in their local communities. Here in Franklin County, the ...

  6. Kyle Tatad

    to do. I’m from Lima, Ohio and attended Shawnee High School. People often call me Dolphin because of ...

  7. Overcoming Academia's Top Workplace Obstacles- Part 1

    was “working with difficult people,” and #2 was “leading change.”  Dr. R. Kent Crookston  draws on the ... grappling with change. These people are normal but behave in strikingly-different ways.  Participants will ...

  8. Joshua Winters

    mentor so that I could meet new people. I enjoy long walks on the beach and can throw a rock kind of far! ...

  9. Local Food Champion- Tim McDermott

    our environment and all people. Since joining OSU Extension in 2015 and joining the Franklin County ...

  10. Devin Moser

    experience, make friends, and I don’t want people to feel alone. While I am allergic to cats and dogs, I have ...
