
Search results

  1. What Does Discovery of Bovine Tuberculosis in a Herd in Ohio Mean for Ohio Livestock Farmers?

    tuberculosis (bTB) and subsequently depopulated was perhaps a surprise to some people, but to those who have ... the country, which happens virtually every day, has led some people in the animal health field to ... and flocks impact everyone, including people not involved in livestock production (9).  And, we must ...

  2. Key Factors to Success

    get there. People love to be led by someone who has their act together. At a dairy seminar, ...

  3. Emotional & Social Intelligence

    intelligence (EQ) is concerned with understanding oneself and others, relating to people, and adapting to and ...

  4. Tax Advantaged Retirement Planning

    people do not put enough money aside for retirement.  Furthermore, with life expectancies increasing, the ...

  5. Farm Transition Considerations: Working with an Attorney

    information about the organization of the business, and Organizational chart or diagram of the people ...

  6. Social Aspects of Resource Management Links

    earth, and to defending the right of all people to a healthy environment; projects) Friends of the Earth ...

  7. Recommendations for Special Needs Facilities

    should also be given to cattle movement, people movement, vehicles and equipment, feedstuffs, birds, ... should have appropriate signage to alert and remind people of the dairy’s policies and a drawing ... diseases. Veterinarians, hoof trimmers, service persons, sales people and any other visitors to the dairy ...

  8. Managing the Work Schedule for Personnel in Large Dairy Herds

    not directly involve the herd or the farm, it is people!  Managing and coordinating the work schedule ... least an eight-hour rest. A dairy farm, by definition, requires people to work extended and unusual ...

  9. About Us

    communication and conflict management styles, and help people work together to achieve extraordinary results. ...

  10. Policy-making and Regulations Links

    collaborates globally to conserve lands and waters upon which all people depend; acquire/manage lands) ...
