
Search results

  1. Focus on Flavor

    but they are not well followed. People tend to select foods they enjoy, they can afford, and that are ...

  2. CFAES Alumni Making News

    Animal Science, 2018- People Behind the Pint: Brittany Fischer & CHAIRE Welcomes Brittany Fischer ...

  3. Student Impact Stories

    college, but it’s true: when you find your niche and your people, you are comfortable. I am comfortable ...

  4. Who to trust for the truth about food

    versions. “We’ve gotten it wrong about fats,” Teicholz told an audience of more than 100 people at the Ohio ... be difficult. “You want to be general enough so that people can understand, but not so general that ...

  5. Health study to look for links between disease, land formation

    pollutants into groundwater, making people sick. That’s something the Ohio Department of Health will study in ...

  6. Stories from Students

    people who guided me along the way. The Plant Pathology Internship Program has lead me into my senior ... not have imagined or asked for a better group of people not only in the lab, but in the office, and ...

  7. Janson Stover Scholarship

    undergraduate and graduate students.  This award thus honors two people whose contributions  in Research, ...

  8. 2016 Ag Outlook

    County Sponsors: Farmers State Bank Merchants Bank of Indiana The Peoples Bank Farm Credit Mid-America ...

  9. Upcoming Opportunity- OSU Environmental Professionals Network

    famous bear in the world, and other grizzlies in the greater Yellowstone area.  How can people and bears ...

  10. Homecoming Memories

    pride I felt for Ohio State during that moment. This university (and its people) are exceptional. I was ...
