
Search results

  1. Conversations on the Future of Extension

    trends and issues, referred to as descriptors, for Ohioans over the next 20 years. More than 500 people ...

  2. Smart Cities, Healthy People: Community Development that Builds Social Capital

    Have you ever stopped to consider your work as that of a ‘communal doctor’ whose efforts are designed to impact individual quality of life, mental health, and ultimately, overall community health? There is a growth in recent scientific research that reinf ...

  3. CD Wire- August 14, 2017

    organized, fiscal management (500-character limit, including spaces) Improving People’s Lives – personnel, ...

  4. News: 25 and Counting: South Centers Marks Anniversary with Sept. 15 Open House

    what the university does, bring new ideas and concepts and provide leadership to bring people together ...

  5. CD Wire- August 28, 2017

    encourage young people and their parents to try sustainable practices and see sustainable agriculture as ...

  6. OSU Agriculture Safety and Health Professionals Offer Grain Handling Safety Tips

    it’s important for people to think about the safety issues involved when handing grain throughout the ...

  7. Report Shows How to Say Goodbye to Harmful Algal Blooms

    a drop of this magnitude would keep algal blooms at safe levels for people and the lake. “With aggressive ...

  8. CD Wire- May 29, 2013

    Wilson, Director, Alber Enterprise Center, OSU Marion Partners: Stephanie Jolliff, Ridgemont Schools ...

  9. Farmers, Consultants Needed for Major Initiative to Update Fertilizer Guidelines

    but now people are looking at it more seriously,” he said. Applying gypsum to soil is one way to ...

  10. CD Wire- August 8, 2016

    method (People, Objectives, Strategy, and Technology). Our ‘O, S, and T’ depends on the targeted ... rest of the world involve urban people and places. Extension professionals across the nation are ... producers, university representatives, nonprofit group interests, Extension and NRCS people, other government ...
