
Search results

  1. Meat Judging: Various Coaches 1990-2006

    Stephanie Hoepf, Republic; John Tangeman, New Breman; Danyelle Dauch, Bellevue; Jamie King, Tiffin ...

  2. People

    Principal Investigator Enrico Bonello Professor Department of Plant Pathology, 201 Kottman Hall 2021 Coffey Road Columbus, OH 43210 614-688-5401 Projects: Characterization of systemic induced resistance in Austrian pine Mechanisms of ash ...

  3. People

    Terry Graham, PhD Professor (Plant Pathology/Natural Products Chemistry)   Michael Kelly, MS Research Associate (Biologist/Data Manager)   Stephen Opiyo, PhD Research Scientist (Bioinformaticist)   ...

  4. People


  5. Boehm Reception

    was to help young people learn both in and outside of the classroom. Looking back, there is little ...

  6. Exit Seminar: Stephanie Loeffler

    Kottman Hall 333D 10:00 am. video link to Wooster   ...

  7. Current and Ongoing Proposal Deadlines

    (benefit animals, primarily dogs, through research, training, and adoption, especially where people and ...

  8. McSpadden Gardener Lab- People

    Dr. Brian McSpadden Gardener received his PhD in Botany from Michigan State University in 1998. He began work in the field of biological control of plant pathogens as an ARS postdoctoral fellow under the guidance of Dr. David Weller. He joined the faculty ...

  9. One Health, Conservation Medicine, Ecosystem Health- Protecting People and Planet

    Keynote presentation by Dr. Lonnie King. Dr. Tony Forshey will be moderator. Panel of experts and leaders includes Dr. Barbara Wolfe and Dr. Ron Kensinger. ...

  10. Pierce Paul people profile

    Pierce Paul I was born in a small country called Guyana, formally British Guiana, located on the northern coast of South America. My training in agriculture began at secondary school where I took the General Certificate of Education (GCE) examination in A ...
