
Search results

  1. Tri-State Dairy Nutrition Conference

    producers. About 550 people attend the Conference each year. ...

  2. Support the fight against cancer

    'ride' along virtually with the more than 5,000 people who will be riding up to 180 miles on Aug. 4 & ...

  3. Retooling Our Strategies for Student Success

    the classroom. Typically, people tend to return to a pleasant experience—be it a place, a business, or ...

  4. Earth and People: Lessons in Living Together

    This program featured M. Sanjayan (executive vice president and senior scientist, Conservation International)     ...

  5. Drift Workshop

    lunch and coffee provided. Participation is limited to 25 people, so register today by contacting Roger ...

  6. Helping Farmers Out of Depression

    highest rate of suicide, 84.5 deaths per 100,000 people. The CDC report cites possible explanations ... areas, people have limited, if any options, for healthcare, particularly mental health professionals. ... and opioid abuse.  One of the hurdles in getting people help is the self-reliant nature of farmers. ...

  7. Labor Management Workshop

    is to assist dairy farm owners and managers in hiring the most qualified people for the respective ... featured speakers are Dr. Bernie Erven (OSU Professor Emeritus) on  “Hiring the Right People Versus Filling ...

  8. Turfgrass program brings Ed Nangle, Ph.D., aboard

    Ed Nangle has joined the Ohio State ATI faculty as an assistant professor in the turfgrass program. Prior to Ohio State ATI, Nangle served as director of turfgrass programs for the Chicago District Golf Association, where, among other duties, he was respo ...

  9. Sheep Grazing/Forage Management Tour

    operation works for the farm and family. The sharing of ideas is how we all learn. Resource people for the ... to the first 40 people. Thanks to financial sponsorship from the Ohio Forage and Grassland Council, ...

  10. Dicamba Complaints Slowly Filtering In

    four times as many instances of harm because people are reluctant to report their neighbors, said Mark ... “The sense I get from people here is, ‘This is not acceptable.’ What’s not acceptable is this movement ... plants or wildlife or if pesticides are getting in the water,” Beal said. “We want people to call us.” ...
