
Search results

  1. National Program Highlights

    Diabetes affects approximately 30.3 million people (CDC, 2017). According to a study of the 50 most ... urban development is essential for protecting the natural environment as well as the wellbeing of people ...

  2. On a Roll: Ph.D. Candidate Jaden Tatum

    "The vision with this project is if we can help people heat and cool their greenhouses or high tunnels ...

  3. Urban 4-H Youth Development

    Urban 4-H Youth Development 4-H is a community of young people across America who are learning ... mean? In 4-H professionals are committed to helping young people develop skills to help them succeed and ... practice them, and become confident in their ability to use them in the future. 4-H teaches young people ...

  4. Gluten Free Eating

    diet. For people who make the decision to eat gluten free as a matter of dietary choice and not ...

  5. Conservation drainage – a showcase at the Ohio State Lima regenerative agriculture farm

    are trying to promote here – a farm, a model farm where we will try different things, have people come ...

  6. Mind & Body

    efforts with programs that cover topics on healthy people, healthy finances, and healthy relationships to ...

  7. Appropriate Technology for Developing Countries

    FABENG 5200 Introduction to Appropriate Technology product design and development for people in ...

  8. Alan Leininger Advised by John Fulton ...

  9. CSM/IAC meeting

    219 bethany reserved for stephanie  Thursday, October 28, 2021- 3:00pm to 4:00pm ...

  10. Distinguished Senior Spotlight: Dante Spieker

    students to get involved on campus.  "Get out there and talk to people, start making those ... have come from people in the major and with faculty, but looking back at it, so much of what I have ...
