
Search results

  1. OSU presents Weeds University Program, Feb. 21, 9am-4pm

    of 30 people. Commercial, Private Pesticide, and Certified Crop Adviser (CCA) credits will be ...

  2. Stepping On Workshop Aims To Help People Become More Sure-Footed

    Village and the community.   Stepping On is an evidence-based program designed for people who are living ... associated with fall prevention.   We realize that studies show, one in four people aged 65 and older has ... the bumps and bruises that make falling scary. Falls without injuries can make people afraid of ...

  3. Betsy Cunningham

    during all 4 years of my undergraduate degree and really liked working with the people in the program. ...

  4. HCS Alumni Spotlight: Cameron Stephens

    people. If you read my story below you will see there have been many people that have helped guide me to ... where I am today. It’s a close-knit community full of great people who are professional, hardworking, ... and sophomore year, and talked to as many people as possible to try and get some direction or clarity ...

  5. In The Market For A Bull?

    way too cheap.  As they say, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  All it takes is two people that ...

  6. Tai Chi for Beginners: In Person

    WHERE:  The Connection Center at Community Development for All People,  911 Parsons Avenue, Columbus, OH ...

  7. Tax Time Calls For Some Tips On How To Save And Spend Money

    (until you file next year).  Some people tell me that it’s their way to “save” money, I might challenge ...

  8. New Hire Announcement – Welcome, Dr. Eugene Law

    a great conversation about “weedy” plant traits and when people might consider a plant to be a weed, and ...

  9. Agronomic Crops Team Receives the CFAES Distinguished Multi-disciplinary Team Extension Award

    Lindsey (Horticulture and Crop Science), Stephanie Karhoff (Extension), and Amanda Douridas ...

  10. Dr. Eugene Law

    right?”. This led to a great conversation about “weedy” plant traits and when people might consider a plant ...
