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  1. Food Preservation: Basics for Canning Vegetables

    can grow and produce toxins dangerous to people and animals. Do not process low-­acid vegetables using ...

  2. SENR Seminar Series welcomes PhD students

    scholars think about these positive emotions as being operationalized through sense of place. Many people ... that people speak about and act upon when engaging with natural spaces. I hope that these results will ... speak to the ways that people, including non-landowning people, can use foraging to connect to and care ...

  3. 2021 Publications

    Mabhaudhi, D. D. Headey, K. Hirvonen, and K. Afsana. 2021. An optimal diet for planet and people. One Earth ... McElwee. 2021. Soil-derived Nature’s Contributions to People and their contribution to the UN Sustainable ...

  4. Norovirus: A Different Type of Foodborne Illness

    to determine because many people attribute their illness to the stomach flu. The local health ... spread due to the close proximity of large numbers of people. Impacted Foods and Appropriate Food ...

  5. Teen Opportunities

    1976 in order to help young people become self-directing, productive, and contributing members of ...

  6. Awards & Opportunities

    young people become self-directing, productive, and contributing members of society. There are currently ...

  7. Can Drinking Water Treatment Remove Microplastics?

    microplastics in the environment and the food and drink people consume,” Lenhart said. “The overarching goal is ...

  8. Environmental Policy and Decision Making Ambassadors

    community that is built between my peers. I love that I can know every name of the people in my classes ...

  9. Natural Resource Management

    The Natural Resource Management (NRM) major teaches students to bridge the gap between people and ... with people of diverse backgrounds. Upon graduation, students are prepared to work in a variety of ... plan programs that connect people with natural resources. Students build on these outreach skills by ...

  10. Discover 4-H in Medina County

        The purpose of 4-H is to foster skill development in young people.  Youth are given ... encouraged to discover his or her own skills, talents, and interests.  4-H helps young people learn to make ... Doing"  4-H Mission "Empowering young people with the skills to lead for a lifetime" 4-H PLEDGE ...
