
Search results

  1. 4-H Open House

    tables set up with different projects and people on hand to answer questions, and help with enrollment. ...

  2. Mental Health and Wellness

    from childhood and adolescence through adulthood. When people experience positive mental health and ...  for resources and/or chat The Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in ... days a year, this organization helps people with mental health challenges by connecting callers with ...

  3. NCR-SARE Announces 2024 Call for Youth Educator Grant Proposals

    for youth educators in the North Central Region to teach young people about sustainable agriculture (farming and ...

  4. Suicide Prevention Awareness Month

    anonymous and available 24/7.   What have the benefits been? • Almost 5 million people have contacted the ...

  5. Living Green: Eco-Friendly Ideas for Your Home and Our Community

    simply ask that you register so we know how many people to expect each week. Please register here:  ... and encouraging people to get outside. Melissa Proffitt, M.A., Warren County SWCD, Education & ...

  6. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)

    Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) work. She loves being a resource and encouraging people to notice and ... talk about the differences that exist in our world. Many people were told NOT to notice differences, ...

  7. People Make their Cooperatives Go and Grow: Reflections on a Timeless Idea

    The timeless idea that it is people who make their cooperative go and grow is celebrating its 50th ...

  8. Dining with Diabetes Workshop

    Dining with Diabetes is a nutrition education program designed for people with diabetes and their ...

  9. Apsley Receives ODNR’s Cardinal Award

    chosen to serve the people of Ohio through his work with Extension – and as he approaches retirement, we ...

  10. New Extension Public Health AmeriCorps Recruiting Volunteers

    Ohio locations, so this opportunity is available to people across the state. Corps members are paired ... about this project at:  Click here for ...
