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Czech Theater and Culture Program
(non-Columbus) campuses. Students will learn about the history and culture of the Czech people through the lens ...
Communication Resources
Introduction Urban Extension includes a diverse group of people and environments. With multiple ... Freeimages Disabled and Here (photos/illustrations celebrating disabled Black, Indigenous, people of color ...
Wooster Science Cafe: The Science of Invasive Pests
of Entomology at OSU’s OARDC. Her work focuses on informing people around the identification of pest ...
BeKind Service Project
name.# to register. Community people will need to create an account…it is easy….and if not email stuck.9 ...
Summit on Extension in Ohio's Urban Communities
opportunities for people to explore how science-based knowledge can improve social, economic, and environmental ... Programs (Relevance and Impacts) The people we reach/don't reach. Our programs, products, and events. ...
Announcing the 2021 Ohio State ATI Outstanding Students
Nissen Stephanie Nicole Novak Patrick Parker Katelynn K Pence Kenneth Ramsier Hannah Nicole Sommers ...
Ohio's Urban, Suburban, and Rural Connection
a dynamic flow of people and other resources throughout all geographic areas along the urban and rural ... demonstrate a dynamic flow of people and other resources throughout all geographic areas along the urban and ... strategies to bring people and ideas together in ways that are relevant locally, responsive statewide, and ...
The Learning Lab is Here to Help!
our tutors... Hi, my name is Stephanie Novak and I am from Lisbon, OH. I am majoring in Biochemical ...
Urban Plan of Work
communicates. Programs (Relevance and Impacts) The people OSU Extension reaches/doesn’t reach through programs, ...
other digital assets to reflect diversity of people and environments in urban communities. Identify specific ...