
Search results

  1. Understanding the History of Ecology and Imperialism: The Importance of Indigenous Environmental Studies

    world today. Indigenous peoples have protected their environments since time immemorial and continue to ...

  2. Environment, Economy, Development, Sustainability Ambassadors

    experiences. You meet so many new people, each with their own unique journey, but we all share a common passion ... for the environment. It's inspiring to see the different paths people take within this field, and ... throughout the SENR community. It is very interesting to hear other people’s thoughts on certain topics and ...

  3. Environmental Science Ambassadors

    been getting to know so many people who share my passions! It's wonderful to be a part of ... professors and your advisors. People are very willing to try and help you succeed! I also love all of the ... school resources. Being a part of SENR you meet so many amazing people who all want to help you while ...

  4. Ambassadors

    with a lot of the same people which has helped me create some amazing friendships! The faculty are also ...

  5. Sneak a Zucchini on OUR Porch, August 8th, 2024

    Community Nutrition programs, SNAP-ED and EFNEP  can help connect people with local food resources and ...

  6. Shoshanah Inwood

    and focus on people, place and community. She approaches these questions through a sociological lens ...

  7. Forestry, Fisheries, and Wildlife Ambassadors

    University is that we have our own little community of people passionate about the environment within this ...

  8. School Programs

    young people on a STEM career path. The jobs of the future are in STEM! Ohio State University Extension ... is working to inspire young people to want to pursue a career in STEM. Challenges include: ...

  9. Environment, Economy, Development, and Sustainability Minor

    referred to as people, planet and profit. Through enrollment in the EEDS minor, students learn ...

  10. Finding a graduate advisor

    people at this stage can be helpful in composing your committee later on. If the conversation goes well, ...
