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Shared Harvest
phone number, and number of people living in your household by age and show proof of residency by ... drive to the distribution site during the appropriate hours, please do not line up early. We ask people ...
Environmental Policy and Decision Making Ambassadors
community that is built between my peers. I love that I can know every name of the people in my classes ...
Dr. Wendy Klooster
different people on courses and research projects. What do you do in your free time I love to be outdoors: ...
The Papers-Based Credit Option
many people were sampled, and any steps that were taken to ensure the data would be accurate. (2-3 ...
Natural Resource Management
The Natural Resource Management (NRM) major teaches students to bridge the gap between people and ... with people of diverse backgrounds. Upon graduation, students are prepared to work in a variety of ... plan programs that connect people with natural resources. Students build on these outreach skills by ...
Discover 4-H in Medina County
The purpose of 4-H is to foster skill development in young people. Youth are given ... encouraged to discover his or her own skills, talents, and interests. 4-H helps young people learn to make ... Doing" 4-H Mission "Empowering young people with the skills to lead for a lifetime" 4-H PLEDGE ...
Environmental Policy and Decision Making
issues or learn methods for understanding and working with people to communicate environmental risk and ... people to protect the environment and how to utilize this information to encourage the public to engage ...
Sumita Sen
Lab is perfect for me to develop and express my ideas, learn from exceptional people, conduct critical ...
Greg Lipps joins Columbus Zoo and Aquarium as First Conservation Biologist
species worldwide, the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium leads by making a positive impact on people, wildlife, ...
SENR Seminar Series- PhD Presentations
aimed at examining what leads people to adopt solar systems, and how perceptions of rooftop versus ...