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  1. Recognition of historical injustices in agriculture and the importance of environmental experiences for racial healing

    Jan. 17, 2017, National Day of Racial Healing is an opportunity to bring ALL people together in their ... 2024. 9:55 a.m. Patty Allen, program manager, Black Indigenous People of Color Food and Farming Network ...

  2. Shared Harvest

    phone number, and number of people living in your household by age and show proof of residency by ... people receiving food need to stay in their vehicles for the registration process and place their car in ...

  3. Shared Harvest

    during the appropriate hours. We ask, people receiving food need to stay in their vehicles for the ...

  4. Shared Harvest

    food should drive to the distribution site during the appropriate hours. We ask, people receiving food ...

  5. Shared Harvest

    the time of pick up will need to provide your name, address, phone number, and number of people living ... site during the appropriate hours, please do not line up early.  We ask, people receiving food need to ...

  6. Publications (current)

    Karhoff, S., Cassone, B., McHale, L., and Dorrance, A.E. 2023. Molecular mechanisms underpinning ... Animals, and People. In The Soil-Human Health Nexus. Taylor and Francis Ltd. ISBN-10: 0367422131 (Invited ...

  7. Anne E. Dorrance

    and soybean genotype. Plant Dis. First Look Karhoff, S., Vargas-Garcia, C., Lee, S., Mian, M. A. R., ...

  8. Contact Us

    ( Directories > Faculty           > All Directories   (Our People) Information about Graduate ...

  9. Shared Harvest

    distribution site during the appropriate hours. We ask, people receiving food need to stay in their vehicles ...

  10. Shared Harvest

    phone number, and number of people living in your household by age and show proof of residency by ... people receiving food need to stay in their vehicles for the registration process and place their car in ...
