
Search results

  1. Kalyna Kulchytsky

    about Ohio State?  I love meeting people and seeing all the friendly faces across campus. I also love ...

  2. Emma Irvin

    so many amazing people that became my best friends. Fun Fact:  I am an only child. In one sentence, ...

  3. Lilly Marsh

    different people! Fun Fact:  I was a majorette in high school and I would twirl fire every Friday Night at ...

  4. School Programs

    support the “inspire to prepare” approach for propelling young people on a STEM career path. The jobs of ... the future are in STEM! Ohio State University Extension is working to inspire young people to want to ...

  5. The Papers-Based Credit Option

    many people were sampled, and any steps that were taken to ensure the data would be accurate. (2-3 ...

  6. Back 2 School Bash

    build relationships, meet new people, and raise awareness of student clubs and organizations while ...

  7. 4-H Scholarships

    citizenship or community service. Ohio 4-H Scholarships were established in 1976 in order to help young people ...

  8. Jessica Tagg

    because I want to open people up to new opportunities, meet new people, and to help make OSU feel a little ...

  9. Marisa Kadrovach

    Ohio State?  I love the football games but also the opportunity to meet so many new people and friends. ...

  10. 2011 Award Winners

    Butterfield  Kip Shoemaker  Katy Shircliff  Lyndsey Murphy  Shalie Terrill  Justin Rismiller  Stephanie Neal  ...
