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  1. Gulbenkian Prize for Humanity awarded to renowned soil scientist Rattan Lal

    nutritious food for 2 billion people across five continents. His dedication has earned him numerous global ...

  2. Try These Simple Forms of Summer Sun Protection

    Month. The goal of this month is to educate people about the dangers of UV rays and the effects that ...

  3. Try These Simple Forms of Summer Sun Protection

    Month. The goal of this month is to educate people about the dangers of UV rays and the effects that ...

  4. Alumni Story: Dr. Kristy Shaw

    I realized there’s a whole realm of veterinary medicine we don’t talk about as often.” “When people ask what ...

  5. CFAES faculty named 2024-25 Fulbright Scholars

    mutual understanding and to support friendly and peaceful relations between the people of the United ... States and the people of other countries. Today, the U.S. government oversees fellowships and ...

  6. The Controlled Environment Agriculture Research Complex

    with long-distance transportation. The increasing number of people moving toward densely-populated areas can be ...

  7. Ohio 4-H Spark EXPO inspires youth with pathway opportunities exploration

    it’s an opportunity for young people to discover their passions, explore potential career paths, and ...

  8. 2024-2025 ASGSA Officers

    I am one of those sourdough people). I also  raise registered Texas longhorn cattle. Social Chair ...

  9. Moderate to larger-than-moderate harmful algal bloom predicted for western Lake Erie

    people from fishing, swimming, boating, and visiting the shoreline. The size of a HAB is not necessarily ...

  10. Study Suggests Hepatitis E may be a Sexually Transmitted Infection

    neurological disorders in humans. Historically, clinical infections – even in pregnant people – have been ...
