
Search results

  1. Share your Talent in the 2021 Flo Chirra Memorial Barnyard Friends Coloring Contest

    1425 East High Street, Suite 112, Bryan, Ohio 43506, by e-mail to, or returned to ...

  2. Share Your Talent in the 2022 Flo Chirra Memorial Barnyard Friends Coloring Contest

    Williams County youth in Kindergarten through Second Grade for the 2022-2023 school year are invited to share their talent in the 2023 Barnyard Friends Coloring Contest, sponsored by Ohio State University Extension Williams County and the Williams County ...

  3. Success Stories

    employer. This is what employers want, people that can solve problems. PACCAR (Kenworth) utilizes Lean Six ...

  4. Meet the 2022 CFAES Alumni Award winners!

    Agricultural Engineering  Young Professional Award Stephanie Langel, BS ’11 Animal Sciences  Wendong Zhang, ...

  5. Options for 2021 Private Pesticide and Fertilizer Recertification

    Karhoff at 419-636-5608 to arrange date and time ...

  6. Share your Talent in the 2020 Barnyard Friends Drawing Contest

    Ohio 43506, by e-mail to, or returned to the OSU Extension Williams County Office. ...

  7. Fourteen honored at CFAES Alumni Awards

    On Oct. 29, 100 people came together to honor 14 individuals who received awards during the annual ...

  8. In memory of Duane Rigsby

    (Stephanie) Rapp, his special Aunt Kay, and cousin David Aaron (Heather) Jones, as well as his beloved dog, ...

  9. ‘Market’ Research: How a field trip helped transform the Pike Outreach Food Pantry

    function as shopping assistants who promote nutrition as they are helping people. “These trainings that Dan ... their own food. Not only does a choice system cut down on food waste, as with non-choice systems people ... around a third of people who use food pantries have someone in their household with diabetes, and around ...

  10. Who in the world is the CFAES Alumni Society Board?

    you like to do when you are not at work? A: I like to hang out with my little people. I like to ...
