
Search results

  1. Emma Irvin

    so many amazing people that became my best friends. Fun Fact:  I am an only child. In one sentence, ...

  2. Lilly Marsh

    different people! Fun Fact:  I was a majorette in high school and I would twirl fire every Friday Night at ...

  3. Dr. Ahmed Yousef

    Dr. Ahmed Yousef Professor ...

  4. Backyard Poultry Certification Course

    Interest in keeping backyard poultry has been increasing steadily as more and more people want to ...

  5. Gardening for Conservation Webinar Series- Rooting Out Trouble: Managing Invasive Plants in Your Landscape

    causing big problems for people and wildlife alike. In this session, we’ll explore common ornamental ...

  6. Get your tickets! Ohio 4-H Youth Development Night at Great American Ball Park with the Reds

    programs that will empower youth to lead for a lifetime! In 4-H, we believe in developing young people who ...

  7. Spring '24: Musings From the Director

    their hard-earned money on plants, and I so appreciate that people choose Chadwick! We especially hope ... student artwork as they tell their tree stories.  More information is HERE People Chadwick would be ... nothing without our people and volunteers. So I’m very excited to share (again!) that we were able to ...

  8. Musings from the Director

    their hard-earned money on plants, and I so appreciate that people choose Chadwick! We especially hope ... student artwork as they tell their tree stories. More information is HERE People Chadwick would be nothing ... without our people and volunteers. So I’m very excited to share (again!) that we were able to promote ...

  9. EPN Signature Earth Day Event- Monday, April 22, 2024: Eat This Earth Day! Ohio's Native Plants for Food

    production. Join us on April 22 to celebrate the interconnectedness of native plants, wildlife and people ... include the Ice Age peoples of North America, Ohio's magnificent mounds and earthworks, and the ...

  10. Virtual Dining with Diabetes

    program designed for people with diabetes and their family members or caregivers. Dates: April 15, 2024  ...
