
Search results

  1. 2023 National Health Outreach Conference

    The central theme of the conference focuses on ensuring that all people have a fair and just ...

  2. National Service-Learning Conference

    opportunity to create something so spectacular that it changes how adults perceive all young people — as ...

  3. CFAES cooperation with Kazakh National Agrarian Research University flowers

    million and middle-aged or older people did not learn about Kazakhstan as it was part of the Soviet Union ...

  4. Food Waste News

    committed to two missions: first, to educate people about reducing food waste, and second, to explore ways ...

  5. 4-H Professionals Inservice

    make our 4-H program more welcoming to all the people we serve. The purpose of the IDI discussion and ...

  6. Principal Investigator Considerations

    responsibilities include: Provide leadership, support, and guidance to the people who may be hired to do the ... outcomes promised in the proposal and/or contract; Enough involvement with the project and/or the people to ... who and what will be involved. You need to be prepared to fulfill your promises to the people who ...

  7. Commitment to the Customer Experience

    of 20 discovery sessions were held. More than 100 people in various CFAES/Extension units ... people. A roadmap has been drafted. Implementation and adoption will be prioritized by functional area ...

  8. 4-H Camp Program Directors' In-service

    society. In this presentation, Jim gets back to the basics about our work with young people. He confronts the ...

  9. OSU Extension and Ohio Department of Agriculture Partner Again, Kick Off 2021 Ohio Victory Gardens Program

    people planting. https ...

  10. Extension Today: Teaching Children Finances

    financial wellness – especially with the young people in your life. Especially after the holidays, if your ...
