
Search results

  1. Tips for coping with Coronavirus- managing stress and uncertainty

    Tips for Coping with Coronavirus-  Dr. Teresa Young, PhD People living in rural communities and on ... people, they are using this time to rest. For others, they are completing tasks they’ve put off doing. ... the positives. Any number of people will gladly complain about all the setbacks they are experiencing ...

  2. TIps for coping with Coronavirus- managing stress and uncertainty

    Tips for Coping with Coronavirus-  Dr. Teresa Young, PhD People living in rural communities and on ... people, they are using this time to rest. For others, they are completing tasks they’ve put off doing. ... the positives. Any number of people will gladly complain about all the setbacks they are experiencing ...

  3. Prepare your home and family for COVID-19: Plan

    the people who need to be included in your plan.  Meet with household members, other relatives, and ... conditions may be at risk for more serious complications. Early data suggest older people are more likely to ... for symptoms suggestive of COVID-19. CDC will recommend actions to help keep people at high risk for ...

  4. Caregiver resources

    independence for people in agriculture who want to continue to farm after experiencing a disabling condition. ... 4-H Youth Development 4-H is a community of young people across America who are learning leadership, ...

  5. Workshop speaker information

    directly with county boards of developmental disabilities, service providers, and people accessing services ... to promote engagement where people work, live, and play, as well as promoting technology as the first ... consideration in solving service delivery issues while supporting people with developmental disabilities who ...

  6. Ohio AgrAbility Educational Workshops

    is open to the public be accessible to people with disabilities. With planning and proactive design, ...

  7. Accessibility

    accessible to people with disabilities. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal law that ... events welcoming to everyone. Providing access is more than getting people through the gate, it also ...

  8. Digital Engagement Toolkit

    these days, it’s safe to say that  most  people are using at least one social platform. When considering ...

  9. Caregiving during a pandemic or illness

    groups of people. This is admittedly very difficult, so here are some thoughts: If you are working ... This will help the healthcare provider’s office take steps to keep other people in the office or ... other people If the patient is not able to wear a facemask (for example, because it causes trouble ...

  10. Exploring Graduate Programs

    if applying to a “science-based” graduate program. 1) People go to graduate school for lots of ... people and use your online resources to explore the full range of options that exist. Most departments ...
