
Search results

  1. Core Competencies

    dealing with... PEOPLE (INTERPERSONAL) THE BUSINESS OF EXTENSION SELF (PERSONAL COMPETENCIES) ... networks, and dynamic human systems; relates well with people. Builds trust by interacting with others in ... appreciates the complex dynamics of organizations, communities (place, politics, and people), and the economic ...

  2. American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES)

    Hawaiians, First Nations and other indigenous peoples of North America in science, technology, engineering ...

  3. Sara Fries

    Linda Lobao Biography website: ...

  4. ACEL Graduate Student Bringing Agricultural Extension into Managua, Nicaragua

    abroad was to New Zealand and Australia as part of a People-to-People trip in the summer after her ... known that people are raising livestock within the city limits, but little research is being done to ...

  5. INNOVATION IN EXTENSION: The University of Georgia

    capacity. So these people could do volunteer development, fund development, public relations in marketing ...

  6. Extension Reconsidered Luncheon

    Extension Reconsidered-- We Need Your Opinions! We need people between the ages of 14-30 to share ...

  7. National 4-H Week / October 5 – 11, 2014

    fifty people the wonderful benefits that they all gained through the Butler County 4-H program.  Each ... many people fear public speaking more than death.  4-H teaches countless life skills used in our ... people and their families gain beneficial skills needed to be proactive forces in their communities and ...

  8. OSU South Centers to host annual Hops Field Night

    assisting people with informed decision-making through responsive research, education, entrepreneurial ...

  9. INNOVATION IN EXTENSION: Louisiana State University

    important that young people understand the urgency we have with restoring those wetlands. It depends. The ...

  10. Industry and Researcher Round Table on the Future of Food Fish/Shrimp Production in Ohio

    By: Matthew A. Smith, Extension Aquaculture Specialist Approximately 40 people joined Ohio State ...
