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Still Time to Frost Seed Red Clover
frost seeding fails is people wait too late to frost seed and the seed never makes good contact with the ... field of clover. Over the years, I have heard people applying anywhere from 2-10 pounds of seed per acre ...
Family and Consumer Sciences
Sciences (FCS) serves thousands of people throughout Ohio every year. FCS empowers Ohioians with the ... knowledge, skills and tools needed to make healthy choices, thus creating communites of Healthy People, with ... information to encourage – and empower – people to adopt practices and behaviors to improve their finances, ...
Turkey pick up
allowed into the barn at a time and only two people per family will be allowed to get out and get their ...
Certified Livestock Manager Training Webinar Series
correct individuals. If multiple people are participating in the webinar on one computer or device, please ...
Social Isolation, Stress and Anxiety in a Time of Uncertainty
During this time many people are dealing with feelings of social isolation, stress, and anxiety. ...
Northwest Ohio Crops Day to be Held in Deshler
either Garth Ruff at or Stephanie Jaqua at The event will be held at the ...
Spring Pesticide Safety Reminders
unauthorized people out. Have you stored your PPE in the pesticide cabinet or storeroom? If so, remove and ...
Manage Your Money
A five lesson series, two hours per class program designed to help people get control over their ...
Guide to Grocery Shopping Online
Without a doubt COVID-19 has transformed how many of us do our grocery shopping. More people are ...
Register Now for Upcoming Virtual Agronomy Team Programs
watching the recordings). Be one of the first 300 people from Ohio to sign-up and attend one of these ...