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  1. Show Me the Evidence: New Student Group Focuses on Communicating About Science

    lawn care. “If you don’t challenge junk science and myths, people will accept and propagate them as ... discusses how to address myths without alienating people who might have a different view, said Annie Specht, ... assistant professor in ACEL and one of the group’s advisers. “For a lot of people involved in science, the ...

  2. It’s never too late for learning

    Copeland, shared a video of “Grandma Lil” and her friend Jane on Twitter, thousands of people fell in love ...

  3. Hunger Amid Plenty: Lack of Food More Widespread Than Many Realize

    hunger in Ohio is that people think it occurs only in very poor households,” said Pat Bebo, director of ... widespread than many people believe, added Irene Hatsu, food security specialist for OSU Extension. OSU ... Environmental Sciences. “A lot of people think hunger is concentrated in inner cities and low-income areas, but ...

  4. Support the fight against cancer

    'ride' along virtually with the more than 5,000 people who will be riding up to 180 miles on Aug. 4 & ...

  5. Retooling Our Strategies for Student Success

    the classroom. Typically, people tend to return to a pleasant experience—be it a place, a business, or ...

  6. Community Nutrition Outreach

    Public Health farmers markets. The community nutrition team connected with over 10,500 people through ...

  7. Turfgrass program brings Ed Nangle, Ph.D., aboard

    Ed Nangle has joined the Ohio State ATI faculty as an assistant professor in the turfgrass program. Prior to Ohio State ATI, Nangle served as director of turfgrass programs for the Chicago District Golf Association, where, among other duties, he was respo ...

  8. February Newsletter

    Extension offers a wide range of programs to help people improve the quality of their lives, from money ... called “When Good People Disagree,” which explored conflicts and ways to respectfully and constructively ... Extension, Franklin County connects with people in all stages of life, from young children to older adults. ...

  9. Entrepreneurial Marketing Introductory Guide

    based on the perspective of people committed to engagement in urban communities. If you have ...

  10. 2016 Extension in the City Highlights Report

    to bring people and ideas together. Visit the Extension in the City impact pages to learn how ...
