
Search results

  1. Community Nutrition Outreach

    Public Health farmers markets. The community nutrition team connected with over 10,500 people through ...

  2. 2016 Outstanding Senior Awards Recipients

    at events or just hanging out with people around the house, my greatest memories come from Delta ... I learned so much in and out of the classroom, met amazing people, and had an experience different from ...

  3. CFAES Community Dialogue

      Carmen Connect “White People and Anti-Racist Work” led by members of the CFAES Diversity ...

  4. February Newsletter

    Extension offers a wide range of programs to help people improve the quality of their lives, from money ... called “When Good People Disagree,” which explored conflicts and ways to respectfully and constructively ... Extension, Franklin County connects with people in all stages of life, from young children to older adults. ...

  5. New network started for environmental professionals

    network for people whose work helps keep the planet green. The  Environmental Professionals Network, ...  which launched in August, "is for a broad range of people who are professionally engaged in ... managing, protecting, and using our environment and natural resources-- people who really should be ...

  6. 4-H Walk and Serve

    men, women, and children.    Spina Bifida- 100 rice socks decorated for people who are in pain and need ...

  7. Black/African American

     -National Association for the Advancement of Colored People African American History Month African American ...

  8. Farmer to farmer: Retired Extension educator volunteers in Mozambique

    are some of the highlights of my experience. "There are many wonderful people in Mozambique who ... want to improve their quality of life and appreciate the sharing of expertise by people from the ... million people. It got its independence from Portugal in 1975. It established a constitutional republic in ...

  9. Three ways to learn about Lake Erie science while on vacation

    people about Lake Erie." Aquatic Visitors Center "Our sites... are a fun way to learn about the ... available online. People plug the coordinates into their smartphone or GPS and track down the cache, which ... Visitors Center cache are available here. "Our geocache is a great way to bring people to an area of ...

  10. National Coming Out Day

    transgender people (and those whose sexual or gender identity falls somewhere else along the spectrum) ... to people and places and communities we want to learn more about. ...
