
Search results

  1. OARDC Honors FABE Faculty and Staff

    mental attitude that is contagious. Her spirit keeps people engaged.”   Service awards also went to the ...

  2. Environmental Rules for Animal Agriculture- Who Are You Going to Call?

    ago, the "Ghostbusters". The central focus was that evil ghosts prowled upon people and ... "What is going on, who are these people?" Or better yet, maybe you have questions to ask so that ...

  3. Groundbreaking Ceremony featured in Daily Record

    replace people." McPheron said the university was in a position to move forward with the construction ... a building," but to recognize a core investment in people, those who will work on new challenges. Arriving at ... this point also took a lot of people willing to do heavy lifting, Slack said. Among them were U.S. ...

  4. Centennial Cookbook Available Online!

    centennial celebration of Cooperative Extension.  Contributors represent a cross-section of people across ...

  5. A showcase for farming’s new science and tech

    lines. Expected total attendance is more than 110,000 people. That’s more than fit in Ohio Stadium. Read ...

  6. Ninety-five Percent Approval Rating for Dairy Housing and Animal Care from Consumers Who Have Been Down on the Farm!

    farm?  Not what the media sometimes presents or what some special interest groups want people to believe! ... farmers would make the right decisions regarding housing their animals. One individual from People for the ... well-managed dairy farms provides an experience you can’t get in the newspaper or on the internet. Once people ...

  7. Wheat Field Day

    researchers are describing during the classroom portion of the programing, Lindsey said. “People get more out ... of field days because they can gain the visual examples of what the data provides, so that people can ...

  8. 10th Annual Stinner Summit

    ground, ways that people can work together toward the common purpose of healthy agroecosystems and ...

  9. Pulse on Ohio’s Dairy Industry

    Ohio’s dairy farm families. Debt load has continued to increase and in talking to people who have ... people, and finances will be the focus of those that survive this period of crisis.   Figure 1. Number of ...

  10. Youth Livestock Judging Team Informational Meeting

    December 16 or December 17. *** Livestock judging gives young people many valuable opportunities to develop ... informational meetings will be held December 16 and 17, 6-7pm, for those young people interested in livestock ...
