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Team Building & Development
people work togehter to achieve extraordinary results. Please see the list of workshops to the left. ...
March 2019 Highlights
Kosmerl, Elliot Dhuey Social and Volunteer Chair: Brenna Kilbarger OVIFT Liaison: Stephanie Scoggins CFAES ...
Now You’re the Boss
“The best executive is the one who has sense enough to pick good [people] to do what he/she wants ... vital for people who are in a new leadership role, aspiring to advance their career, or as a refresher ...
myPostdoc Monthly: Did They Really Just Say That?! Responding to Bias at Work
welcoming, inclusive, and affirming environments for all people. This training seeks to empower and equip ...
Queer 101: An Introduction to LGBTQ+ Identities (Wooster)
people and a better understanding of their own identities. Register here! Offerings Columbus- Thursday, ...
Queer 101: An Introduction to LGBTQ+ Identities (Columbus)
people and a better understanding of their own identities. Register here! Offerings Columbus- Thursday, ...
Chow Line: Leafy Greens Suspected in Latest E. coli Food Poisoning Cases
people sick, but rather that they are the suspected source of pathogenic E. coli that has sickened some ... 58 people in Canada. Several people in the United States have also become ill from a strain of E. ... interviewing sick people to determine what they ate in the weeks before their illnesses started, the agency ...
Give 'em the Pickle Customer Service online
We’re all in the same business, the people business. It’s not what we make or sell that’s ... critical; it’s how we take care of the people who buy it. Our job is to make customers (internal and ... extra things you do to make people happy. It may be doing something extra for a customer or sending ...
FIRST RUN FRIDAYS Leading from Wherever You Are
means to lead up, down and sideways. • Learn ways to deal with difficult people. • ...
Overcoming Academia's Top Workplace Obstacles- Part 3
was “working with difficult people,” and #2 was “leading change.” Dr. R. Kent Crookston draws on the ... series. Part 3: Succeeding with Difficult People: Steps 4, 5, and 6 Thursday, April 19th, 2018, 10 PT/11 ... MT/12 CT/1 ET In the second part of this difficult-people webinar, participants will consider the ...