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Drainage Installation Field Day, Tuesday, August 9, 2022
The Ohio State University at Lima will be the host of a drainage installation field day on Tuesday, August 9 th. Field demonstrations by the Ohio Land Improvement Contractors of America (OLICA) will begin at 9:00 a.m. in an open house style format and con ...
Complete CORN Reader Survey by July 20
Help OSU Extension better understand current agricultural practices and improve outreach efforts by completing our reader survey by Wednesday, July 20. All growers, educators, and agribusiness professionals are invited to participate in the survey. Respon ...
Scouting for and Diagnosis and Quantification of Tar Spot
Tar spot is relatively easy to diagnose based on visual symptoms. So as the crop develops you should begin scouting fields to determine: 1) if tar spot is present, 2) estimate how much is there, 3) determine whether it is increasing over time, and 4) deci ...
Jorge Valle
Jorge Valle ...
Arrested Ear Development in Corn – How to avoid them?
The crop season in Ohio is rapidly gaining progress. Depending on planting dates and hybrid relative maturities corn crop can be anywhere between early vegetative and up to tasseling. However, a vast majority of the crop is expected to be around the mid-t ...
Strong Storms and Downed Corn – How will this affect yield?
Strong storms the week of July 4 th have led to some downed corn fields in parts of the state. Much of the yield penalty in corn is dependent on the stage the corn was at the time of the storm, as well as if the damage is root lodging (plants tipped over ...
Home Food Preservation Recorded topics include Jams and Jellies, Canning & Freezing Vegetables, Canning & ... LUCAS COUNTY INFORMATION: OSU Extension, Lucas County offers pressure canner gauge testing. ...
Communicating to be Understood online
a relationship. In this workshop we will explore how people communicate differently and how you can use your ... strengths to build relationships with your team and increase people's feeling of being heard. Through ...
Tar Spot Q&A
Q: Is tar spot a late-season disease in Ohio? A: No, tar spot can develop at any time during the growing season. For the first few years after it was first reported in Ohio in 2018, tar spot was detected primarily towards the end of the season, giving the ...