
Search results

  1. Dr. Hanping Wang honored by Fisheries Advance Magazine of China

    circulated magazine featuring Chinese and global aquaculture and fisheries news and influential people in ...

  2. Videos and Presentations

    benefits to companies and people, there was no simple way to quantify the benefit. Therefore, stakeholders ... of ecosystem services that benefit people, and therefore accounting for the value of natural capital ...

  3. Is MSG Bad for Your Health?

    allergic reactions. It's even been considered a factor in infantile obesity. “I see people all the ...

  4. More People and Less Poverty in 2050: Satisfying the Rising Demand for Food

    of Ohio State's  Subsurface Energy Resource Center (SERC), will present  “More People and Less ...

  5. Protecting Farmland at the Fringe: Do Regulations Work?

    researchers and agency leaders. Conference participants are national, state and local land use policy people ...

  6. Advancing Employment and Income Opportunities

    program is teaching people how to farm in the city. They are creating jobs and revitalizing neighborhoods. ...

  7. Transferring Your Business to the Next Generation: Dealing with People Problems

    reasons that center on people and the family. Policy brief Sunday, July 1, 2001 Transferring Your Business ...

  8. Welcome to OSU South Centers, Mick Whitt!

    Instructions   •  Working within the SBDC Team    Connecting businesses with the proper people at OSU South ...

  9. Endeavor Center and Small Business Development Center

    Rio Grande. Guests include a variety of people representing educational, business development, ... Radio, over 178 countries and over 55,000 people have listened or viewed to one of the archived shows. ...

  10. Letter from Tim Haab, AEDE Department Chair

    quality people and letting those people do what they do best. I believe we have the finest faculty and ...
