
Search results

  1. Centennial Cookbook Available Online!

    centennial celebration of Cooperative Extension.  Contributors represent a cross-section of people across ...

  2. Ohio Saves Week 2015

    Save Today and Indulge Later All over America, people just like you are proving that you ...

  3. Section I: Overview of Cost Recovery

    audiences. Cost recovery efforts must advance Extension's Mission of "Engaging people to strengthen ...

  4. A&P Staffing Guidelines

    responsibility for projects and/or people. Other human resources responsibilities. Fiscal role/responsibility ...

  5. Precision University: Nutrient Technology

    a conference will be held in January to inform people about the many approaches and technological advances that ...

  6. Precision University: Nutrient Technology

    and when it’s applied, a conference will be held in January to inform people about the many approaches ...

  7. Communiqué June 19, 2013

    found that people with heart disease were 40 percent less likely to laugh in humorous situations than ... people with heart problems tend to lose their sense of humor. “A sense of humor…is needed armor. Joy in ... of 300 people, half of whom had histories of heart problems, used questionnaires to gauge how healthy ...

  8. OARDC's Crabapple Blossoms are Peaking

    people a good chance to come see the blossoms, Snyder said. But there’s also a chance of showers and ...

  9. Corn Farmers Thrilled, Soybean Farmers Disheartened by this Year's Yields

    flour. This field corn is far different from the sweet corn that people eat. It’s harder, higher in ...

  10. Youth Livestock Judging Team Informational Meeting

    December 16 or December 17. *** Livestock judging gives young people many valuable opportunities to develop ... informational meetings will be held December 16 and 17, 6-7pm, for those young people interested in livestock ...
