
Search results

  1. Gypsy Moth- What You Need To Know

    are being noticed, and people are interested in learning more,” said Amy Stone, Extension Educator in ... “People want to know what they can do to protect their trees,” said Eric Richer, Extension Educator in ...

  2. Lyme Disease and Other Tick-Carried Diseases on the Rise in Ohio

    population of blacklegged deer ticks was discovered in Coshocton County, the number of people infected with ... a freckle. “It is so tiny and it feeds so quickly that sometimes people go to the doctor with symptoms but ... but that hasn’t made people overly concerned about venturing into the forest, Rogers said. “I wouldn’t ...

  3. Farmers Flocking to Meet the Demand for Lamb

    and parasites plagued flocks. But the renewed interest among people wanting to eat lamb has triggered ... of Sheep Day is people coming together and sharing about their flocks and the issues they face and ...

  4. Fair Flu: It's Nothing to Sneeze At

    flus – from sneezes or coughs that release droplets. While most people recover easily from this ... influenza, those under 5, over 65, pregnant or immune-compromised are most at risk. These people should avoid ... quality. People cannot get the flu by eating pork.-30-   WRITER(S):  Suzanne Steel ...

  5. Fair Flu: It's Nothing to Sneeze At

    – from sneezes or coughs that release droplets. While most people recover easily from this influenza, ... those under 5, over 65, pregnant or immune-compromised are most at risk. These people should avoid pigs ... barn, exhibitors should not sleep in the barn. IAV-S does not affect meat safety or quality. People ...

  6. Show Me the Evidence: New Student Group Focuses on Communicating About Science

    lawn care. “If you don’t challenge junk science and myths, people will accept and propagate them as ... discusses how to address myths without alienating people who might have a different view, said Annie Specht, ... assistant professor in ACEL and one of the group’s advisers. “For a lot of people involved in science, the ...

  7. Hunger Amid Plenty: Lack of Food More Widespread Than Many Realize

    hunger in Ohio is that people think it occurs only in very poor households,” said Pat Bebo, director of ... widespread than many people believe, added Irene Hatsu, food security specialist for OSU Extension. OSU ... Environmental Sciences. “A lot of people think hunger is concentrated in inner cities and low-income areas, but ...

  8. Drift Workshop

    lunch and coffee provided. Participation is limited to 25 people, so register today by contacting Roger ...

  9. Edibles in the Landscape

    landscaping.  In additional to being edible for people, bees also enjoy the plant for nectar and pollen. The ...

  10. Helping Farmers Out of Depression

    highest rate of suicide, 84.5 deaths per 100,000 people. The CDC report cites possible explanations ... areas, people have limited, if any options, for healthcare, particularly mental health professionals. ... and opioid abuse.  One of the hurdles in getting people help is the self-reliant nature of farmers. ...
