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Ohio Saves: Save Money, Reduce Debt, Build Wealth
help all people focus on saving money, reducing debt, and building wealth over time. It is completely ...
Holiday Spending: Curb Your Urge To Splurge
traditions and rituals are the foundation of most people's cherished memories of holidays past. As the ...
2015 Dairy Project Leasing Information
Wayne County supports leasing of dairy heifers/cows for the purpose of teaching young people how ...
people over for a gathering so that you have a reason to clean? Do you find it hard to say “no”? Do you ...
OSU Weed Science Field Day, and include the number of people in your group. Payment can be via cash or check the day of the ...
Check Your First Aid Kits
environment, the number of people that may use the kit, and type of activity being conducted. Keep at least one ...
Ohio AgrAbility in Action: Rolling Lift Carts
require two people to safely lift or move items, or to hitch equipment to a tractor. A good alternative to ...
4-H News and Notes: August 16, 2016
Forms- Due September 30th (This is for people interested in running for a seat on Building 10, Beef, ...
Crop Biostimulants and Biofertilizers
people have identified microbes that can help crops grow faster, produce more, and/or withstand stress ... microbe-containing biostimulants and biofertilizers. People agree that the process involves selecting the correct ...
Youth, Work & Money
with their appearance, be thoughtful with their application and ask people before listing them as ...