
Search results

  1. Alumni in the news

    Blight and Preserve Lincoln City with Urban Renewal Agency Stephanie Nestor*  Boot Hill Distillery Adds ...

  2. Naturalist Series: Human and Wildlife: Landscape Change, Wildlife Adaptation, and Human Influence

    HERE People have changed Ohio’s landscape since the time of the earliest land surveys in the late ...

  3. Northwest Ohio Crops Day

    Garth Ruff at or Stephanie Jaqua at The event will be held at the ...

  4. Still Time to Frost Seed Red Clover

    frost seeding fails is people wait too late to frost seed and the seed never makes good contact with the ... field of clover. Over the years, I have heard people applying anywhere from 2-10 pounds of seed per acre ...

  5. Where are they now? Alumni Awards edition

    I am proud of. Networking with diversified people who were successful has been a blessing to my career, ... indication that I was evidently a positive influence on many people, and for that I am very pleased and ... I value the relationships I have developed with so many great people of all ages over the years. I will ...

  6. Certified Livestock Manager Training Webinar Series

    correct individuals. If multiple people are participating in the webinar on one computer or device, please ...

  7. Farm Science Review will be virtual for the first time, and free

    because of the coronavirus pandemic, reaching people not in person but on their laptops and smartphones. ...

  8. A virtual battle cry

    optimism, rising up to a crescendo of percussion and horns. When the band starts playing it, people stand up ... throughout the stadium—often 100,000-plus people coming together in one moment—and cheer. The COVID-19 ...

  9. Spring Pesticide Safety Reminders

    unauthorized people out.  Have you stored your PPE in the pesticide cabinet or storeroom?  If so, remove and ...

  10. Northwest Ohio Crops Day to be Held in Deshler

    either Garth Ruff at or Stephanie Jaqua at The event will be held at the ...
