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Farm Science Review will be virtual for the first time, and free
because of the coronavirus pandemic, reaching people not in person but on their laptops and smartphones. ...
Spring Pesticide Safety Reminders
unauthorized people out. Have you stored your PPE in the pesticide cabinet or storeroom? If so, remove and ...
Northwest Ohio Crops Day to be Held in Deshler
either Garth Ruff at or Stephanie Jaqua at The event will be held at the ...
Manage Your Money
A five lesson series, two hours per class program designed to help people get control over their ...
Register Now for Upcoming Virtual Agronomy Team Programs
watching the recordings). Be one of the first 300 people from Ohio to sign-up and attend one of these ...
Peace Corps Environment Programs: CFAES Faculty share their Volunteer Experiences Feb. 10, 5 pm
Sustainability Institute. His research and teaching focus on how people work together to solve ...
EPN Community Connections Blog- May 2020
individual to support you. Thank people for their time, advice, and encouragement. Keep the relationship ... external contacts and then list people who might fit in each category. Developing an outline of the points ... you want to cover or questions you think would be helpful to ask before contacting people from your ...
Peace Corps Environment Programs: CFAES Faculty share their Volunteer Experiences
how people work together to solve environmental problems. He is particularly interested in ...
Environmental Film Series- Earthrise and Earth Days- Columbus, Ohio
people, what they led to, and challenges of today and beyond. Event schedule Welcome A brief history of ... Brief recollections by two people who planned Earth Day activities in 1970. My vision for our Earth, ...
Putting poison hemlock in perspective
safety of these areas or can be seen by people. These areas include parks, roadsides, ditches, ...