
Search results

  1. Glaciers, Mountains & People

    The Climate Exploration Series presents Glaciers, Mountains & People at Blacklick Woods Metro ... glaciers, people, and changing climate conditions along the spine of the Andes Mountains! This will be an ...

  2. Oil and Gas Drilling Impacts? Talk Aims to Show Bigger Picture

    The environmental impacts of oil and gas production “are much broader than what most people ...

  3. Environmental Film Series-- Return of the River

    Elwha River in Washington State is a story about people and the land they inhabit. The film captures the ... begins. The film features people and perspectives on all sides of the Elwha debate, reflecting the many ...

  4. TWEL and SENR Presentations and Posters

    Understanding People   Jeremy T. Bruskotter TWEL Posters 10/8/18            Poster Session I 20 Habitat ... Phenomenon: Constructed Crossroads and Conflicts Among the People and Pachyderms of Sub-Saharan Africa ... American Model of Wildlife Conservation 1:30PM The Future of the Conservation Is Understanding People ...

  5. ORWRP Room Reservation Information

    accommodate ~18 people with space for an additional 10 folding chairs around the parameter of the room if ... a larger meeting, presentation, or training session.  The room has capacity for 65 people with a projector ...

  6. County Government Relations

    each county, connecting the university to the people and helping communities solve problems. Each ...

  7. SENR Seminar Series

    people are working, living and playing in the boreal.  Recent wildfire disasters such as the 2010 Moscow ...

  8. SENR Seminar Series- Daniel Raimi

    experiences writing The Fracking Debate, and highlight stories of the people and communities affected by the ...

  9. Faculty Member to Discuss Ohio's Forests at Science Café

    Ohio’s forests and people, and a new exhibit at the iconic Thompson Library  called Building Ohio State ...

  10. Ohio State Offers Free Screening of Film Dedicated to Increasing Urban Agriculture

    how to create or expand agriculture-related business opportunities for people who want to get into the ... Hogan said. “People want to do it for a number of reasons: as an economic enterprise, for community ... building, to grow food for their families, as job training for young people and others. “Growers, producers, ...
