
Search results

  1. Plans Underway for the 2020 Master Gardener Volunteer Pogram

    knowledge, but most importantly, share that knowledge with others. Class size is limited to 25 people. Please ...

  2. Tis The Season for Soil Testing

    Testing your soil is the only way to determine the nutrient levels in your soil. Some people fertilizer ...

  3. News Release: Baldwin completes internship with Ohio State University Extension

    looks like in practice can vary considerably. Applying what they have learned and observing people in ...

  4. News Release: Ritter completes internship with GC2 Ministries

    looks like in practice can vary considerably. Applying what they have learned and observing people in ...

  5. Food and Nutrition Education

    provide accessible and reliable research-based information to help people help themselves. Nutrition ...

  6. Fundraising- Clubs and Committees (Affiliates)

    for groups of people.  Please either email or make a copy and submit it with our ...

  7. Respecting the Tough Work

    Northwest Ohio in 2019. The volunteer training is called  Tough Work: Understanding and Serving People in ...

  8. Solidarity

    staff, and faculty in the black, indigenous, and people of color community (BIPOC). ACEL can and must be ...

  9. Government Academy Workshop 4: Conflict, Dispute Resolution, and Dealing with Difficult People

    WORKSHOP 4: Conflict, Dispute Resolution, and Dealing with difficult people Taught by Dr. Jackie ... p.m.- 8:00 p.m. Dealing with Difficult People and Conflict Management May 16, 2019, 5:30 p.m.- 8:00 p.m. ...

  10. Video Production

    Video is king of content and it's easy to see why. People find videos more engaging, more ...
