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  1. AEDE Seeks Participants for Study on Consumer Eating Habits, Free Lunch Included

    a free lunch for people who help with a study in Columbus. It takes only 15 minutes. (Photo: CareyHope, ...

  2. New AEDE Staff Members

    agricultural tradition that exists in Ohio. The genuine caring attitude of Ohio State University and its people ...

  3. AEDE Seeks Participants for Study on Consumer Eating Habits, Free Lunch Included

    a free lunch for people who help with a study in Columbus. It takes only 15 minutes. (Photo: CareyHope, ...

  4. Ohio State Researchers Will Study How Food, Energy and Water Systems in the Great Lakes Region Could Be Impacted by Deglobalization

    Themes The Discovery Themes initiative is a $500 million investment in the people and resources needed to ...

  5. Rural-Urban Issues and Research Needs

    People at the interface between rural and urban places are increasingly at odds over how resources ...

  6. As AEDE Undergrad Danielle Matthews Attests, a World of Opportunity Awaits You at Ohio State

    people on this trip. It is amazing how similar our countries are, but at the same time how different due ... 2050. There are going to be nine billion people to feed by then and if I can help five farmers make ... yields higher than they have before, then in turn I’m helping to feed people in another country. It may ...

  7. The Department of Animal Sciences Welcomes New Faculty Members Wenner and Enger

    describe this variation to the people making decisions with the data or designing the next generation of ...

  8. September is Food Safety Month

    Environmental Sciences (CFAES) at The Ohio State University. Annually, some 48 million people get foodborne ...

  9. Meat Judging Team Hosts the First Day of the SE Collegiate Meat Judging Contest

    opportunities; you meet a lot of people in the industry. But you also learn personal skills; you learn ...

  10. Sheep Grazing/Forage Management Tour

    ideas is how we all learn. Resource people for the day will be Bob Hendershot of Green Pasture Services, ... the first 50 people.  Thanks to financial sponsorship from the  Ohio Forage and Grassland Council, the ...
