
Search results

  1. LGBTQ

    Allies of United wiht LGBT People (PFLAG)LAG and or Stonewall Groups Cincinnatti Equality Cincinnatti ...

  2. Sharing the Spaces in Between

    the United States is a story told only in terms of black and white people, as though Latinos are not ... even a part of the equation. Similarly, the binary of gay vs straight people largely leaves bi and ...

  3. Why Americans Waste So Much Food

    Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences Most people feel guilty about discarding food, but say it would be hard ... identified that most people perceive benefits to throwing food away, some of which have only limited basis in ... Americans’ awareness and attitudes regarding food waste. In July 2015, it was administered to 500 people ...

  4. Professor Mario Miranda Receives AAEA 2017 Fellow Award

    people is the most rewarding thing of this profession."     Agricultural & Applied Economics ...

  5. December 14, 2016 OCVN at the Wilderness Center Webinar Discussion Notes

    to prove yourself.  Takes time to have a pitch ready; Metro park/city parks looking for people ... reach members.  Mentors reached out from one class to the next. Each OCVN is assigned one or two people ... position--Getting new people to participate and/or getting folks involved.  What's worked well for TWC is an ...

  6. A Glimpse Into The Future: Preparing the Centennial Generation for Leadership & Workforce Development in a Connected Community

    economy. In the connected economy, value is created through the technology-enabled links between people ...

  7. Climate Change, Rising Sea Levels a Threat to Farmers in Bangladesh

    contamination. In the next 120 years, coastal communities that are home to 1.3 billion people will be inundated ... millimeters per year, the study says. “My concern is that the most vulnerable people will be the least ...

  8. OSU Economist: 2016 Economic Forecast Looks Good Despite Risks

    5 percent." “These young people are also not married, either, which again is a major shift. Data shows that ...

  9. Shared Harvest Foodbank takes food directly to the people

    All Darke County residents in need of food are welcome to attend this event and receive food. No registration is needed and income requirements have temporarily been waived. Please stay in your vehicles while being loaded and be patient as we work to get ...

  10. Meet Daniela Miteva, Assistant Professor of Sustainable Development and Economy

    poverty, make people healthier, happier and wealthier – but I’m also concerned with how we can preserve the ... use change: valuing the benefits people get from the natural environment and trying to figure out if ... we are producing socially optimal levels of these services and how to incentivize people to produce ...
