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The Gender Pay Gap in Academia: Evidence from The Ohio State University
be the result of implicit or explicit bias.” Chen furthers that even being able to convince people ...
Algal Blooms 101
people. Blooms are costly. It doesn’t take an economist to know that slime of any color keeps people away ...
2018 Farm Financial Management School
evening. The registration cost is $50/person or for two people from the same farm business. Sponsorships ...
Taking Measure of Ohio's Opioid Crisis
people in rural areas of Ohio have extremely limited access to medication-assisted treatment. This is ...
Safety in Working and Handling Livestock
animals, like people, have individual temperaments and can sometimes exhibit unpredictable behavior. For ... spooked. For this reason, people recognized as good animal handlers commonly say to never work animals ...
Algal blooms cost Ohio homeowners $152 million
before people decide to buy homes or go fishing elsewhere? As it turns out, people have a pretty low ... perceptible.” “People make decisions based on their perceptions, and they get their strongest perception of ... level, water becomes noticeably cloudy. And then there’s the smell. “People say it smells like sewage or ...
4-H Summer Highlights and Making Memories
Fair Board and numerous young people represented Wayne County in numerous competitions ranging from ...
America Saves Week
saving for? What is your savings story and how can it help other people? What is your favorite savings ...
Black/African American
-National Association for the Advancement of Colored People African American History Month African American ...
Forest Bathing
children. According to a study in 2008 with more than 60,000 people participating adult participation in ...