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  1. News: CFAES Announces $1M in Extra Scholarships for 2016-17 School Year

    people they have never met,” he said. “Thanks to them, we have surpassed our fundraising goal in the ...

  2. Wildlife and Fisheries Links

    preservation The Nature Conservancy (U.S.-based global organization; uses science and people to protect land, ... habitat conservation and restoration, and the training of young people for wildlife conservation careers) ...

  3. John and Marilyn Miller

    the lives of people in ways they never know,” Mr. Miller said. Also, Harper had worked closely with ...

  4. GIS and Environmental Information Systems Links

    Agencies and organizations Society for Conservation GIS (supports people using GIS in conservation ...

  5. Ladonna Whitt wins OSU Distinguished Staff Award

    — students, faculty, staff, campus visitors, delivery people and customers to the Agricultural Technical ...

  6. Agricultural Conservation Links

    Change   People; data rich programs:  Snow and Water Data   National Resources Inventory) Web Soil Survey ...

  7. Good Reading: New and Revised Fact Sheets on Ohioline

    Family and Consumer Sciences Fact Sheets). Fruits and Vegetables Are a Convenience for Busy People ...

  8. You Can Help Secrest Arboretum Touch More People

    Do your memories of Secrest Arboretum include rambling through it as a student or taking the grandkids to play on the slide? Maybe you were on campus after the tornado went through in 2010 changing the landscape forever. Or you have you not been yet, and ...

  9. The Glass Castle: ATI Programming Page

    college, Jeannette is singled out by a professor for not understanding the plight of homeless people ...

  10. New Books and More

    Dunbar-Ortiz, Roxanne, 1939- An indigenous peoples' history of the United States  F68.G73 2014 Gragg, Rod ...
