
Search results

  1. OARDC scientists working to fight new deadly U.S. swine disease

    contaminated with feces. People, pork unaffected PEDV does not sicken humans and does not impact the safety of ...

  2. Transitioning family farms to the next generation

    has gotten people to sit down, talk to each other, and put a plan into action." "OSU ...

  3. Welcome Dr. Lyda G. Garcia to the Meat Science Faculty

    meat is now available in 1.0-1.5 lb packages ($9.00/lb), which will serve 2-3 people easily. To ...

  4. Interviewing

    applicants as having grooming problems. Be polite to everyone you meet. Greet people and learn everyone’s ...

  5. 'You feel like family': 4-H'er to intern in Japan

    includes homestay and academic exchange programs for young people in Japan, the U.S., Canada, Australia, ...

  6. New testing method could make phosphorus monitoring cheaper, faster

    "It's going to be a blast if we can recruit enough people." Read more (pdf)...-- Christina Dierkes, ...

  7. OSU Extension introduces 3 new signature programs, graduates 2

    OSU Extension engages people to strengthen their lives and communities through research-based ...

  8. Europe

    within Europe. Human and Animal Interactions December 2015 This program shows students how people use ...

  9. Home again: CFAES welcomes Bruce A. McPheron

    the shoulders of the people who have gone before you. We have a firm footing and a clear view of the ...

  10. Keys to reducing H3N2v flu risk? Public awareness, keeping sick pigs away from fairs

    has some unique genetic changes compared to typical swine H3N2 viruses) has infected 153 people since ...
