
Search results

  1. BuckeyeNext

    programs available for Ohio young people. Built like a game, the program is fun, engaging, and impactful. ... skills required to engage equitably and include people from different local and global cultures. ...

  2. Faces of Ohio 4-H — Tiffany Wild

    interesting people and made memories that have lasted a lifetime!” Over the years, Wild also experimented with ...

  3. Stephanie Dunkel

    Stephanie Dunkel Fiscal Officer 1- Any- Journal article Book/book chapter Report Working paper ...

  4. Solar Eclipse Shadow Play

    adult.  SHARE Why will some people experience the solar eclipse in totality and others only in partiality? ... models to demonstrate the two-dimensional shadows shown in Part 2? Use objects and/or people to create ...

  5. Opportunities for 4-H Teens

    hundreds of young people the opportunity to learn about aquatic science and experience a variety of ... 4-H Camp in Jackson, Ohio for young people who have needs that cannot be accommodated for in ...

  6. Student Cooperative Start-up Toolkit

      A student-led cooperative, where young people in an agricultural class, 4-H club, FFA chapter, ... young people entrepreneurial skills and the unique aspects of the cooperative business model, which is ...

  7. Awards and Recognition

    M.S. Anmol Kaur Gill; Ph. D. Shyam Singh GRAD leadership and service award 2006 Stephanie Lansing  2007 ... Hughes  2005 Laleh Loghavi  2006 Jon Witter  2007 Stephanie Lansing   2008 Yu Chen  2009 Caixia (Ellen) ...

  8. Ohio 4-H Scholarships

    citizenship or community service. Ohio 4-H Scholarships were established in 1976 in order to help young people ...

  9. Ohio 4-H Camping Programs

    challenges that develop leadership, citizenship, and life skills in young people. Here's what Ohio 4-H ...

  10. Camera Obscura (Pinhole Camera)

    people around the world will travel to see a total solar eclipse. However, it is important to remember ...
