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  1. 2020

    borer (Agrilus planipennis). Plants, People, Planet 2:41-46. DOI: 10.1002/ppp3.10077. South, KA, Peduto ...

  2. Intersectionality of Change Session 2: Taking Action, Making Change Webinar

    a four-part series looking at how sports can empower people to use their voices and become change agents for ... people and organizations that include:. Big Ten Equality Coalition Ohio State Athletic Director Gene ...

  3. Classes from May 2021 to August 2021

    create and edit pages, news items, events, people and more.  It's a great refresher for those who ... events, people and the general guidelines for content placement.  It is required that anyone who will be ...

  4. News Release: Ohio State students selected for national agricultural education symposium

    Green High School in Bowling Green, Ohio, under the supervision of Stephanie Conway. Weller, of ...

  5. MGV Project Reports and Information

    Sigmon July 2020 Berry Patch Report The International Harvest Garden: The People, Plant, and Practices ...

  6. Embodying Anti-Racism

    We all have a role to play in dismantling racism and ideologies that dehumanize people of color, ... What can you do? One option is to avoid difficult conversations or unfamiliar people. But avoidance ... will share how white people can show up grounded and effective for racial justice. You will learn how ...

  7. Embodying Anti-Racism

    We all have a role to play in dismantling racism and ideologies that dehumanize people of color, ... What can you do? One option is to avoid difficult conversations or unfamiliar people. But avoidance ... will share how white people can show up grounded and effective for racial justice. You will learn how ...

  8. Students named to CFAES Dean's List

    Robert Thiel Sara Thwaits Kayla Walls Samantha Wander Brittany Weller Jessica White Stephanie Wuebben ...

  9. Intersectionality of Change Session 1: Understanding the Intersectionality of Change

    a four-part series looking at how sports can empower people to use their voices and become change agents for ...

  10. Intersectionality of Change Session 4: Reporting Out, Moving Forward Webinar

    a four-part series looking at how sports can empower people to use their voices and become change agents for ...
