
Search results

  1. Nutrition & Wellness

     Nutrition Programming:  We teach a variety of programs on nutrition including Mindful Eating, Eating Heart-Healthy, Instant Pot 101, and more. OSU Extension offers a program called Mindful Wellness  which gives an overview on the science behind the art o ...

  2. Tree University: Grow Great Fruit!

    other fruits in the home landscape. Bill Johnson loves to help people learn horticultural skills and he ...

  3. New 4-H Volunteer Selection Process

    time, energies, and talents that enable Ohio State University Extension to engage people in educational ...

  4. Victory Gardens: A war-time hobby that's back in fashion

    Across the UK and beyond, people are digging in their backyards, potting plants on balconies or ...

  5. Economic Development Programs

    Extension faculty and staff work in Ohio's urban and metropolitan areas to respond to people ... the localities they serve, empowering people with education on issues they care about. For more ...

  6. Organizational Capacity Building Programs

    change process that intentionally focuses on the best in people, their organizations, and the relevant ...

  7. Leadership Development Programs

    to deal with difficult people. Contact:  David Civittolo Conducting Effective Meetings Participants ...

  8. GAPs Online Produce Safety Course

    A minimum of 10 people must be registered for us to offer the course and class size is limited to 25 people ...

  9. 4-H Rocks! 4-H Week

    Please spread the word about our great 4-H program! Today, send a flyer to 5 new people and invite ...

  10. Hiring Two Student Assistants for Summer 2020!

    Self-Motivation, Enthusiastic & Demonstrate good people skills. For complete details, please click here.   ...
