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  1. Being Together As A Family Is Critical For Stable Upbringing

    school begins again. Maybe it’s not just things they want to do but important people in their lives they ...

  2. Program Allows Students To Make Life Choices In The Real World

    to care for two people.”           It’s always exciting to read about the impact of Real Money. Real ...

  3. Dietary Guidelines

    outlines how people can improve their overall eating patterns — the complete combination of foods and ...

  4. Hamilton County Extension Welcomes State Representative Brigid Kelly

    conditions in which they thrive. Our Mission is to create opportunities for people to explore how ...

  5. OSU Study: Kindness Can Help Fight Depression & Anxiety

    people can help you fight feelings of depression and anxiety. The research team of David Cregg and ... more connected with other people.    “Social connection is one of the ingredients of life most strongly ... kindness worked so well because it helped people take their minds off their own depression and anxiety ...

  6. About SNAP-Ed

    delivered? 'Helping people to improve their lives through an educational process using scientific ...

  7. 4-H Camps Welcome ALL Wayne County Youth

    full of transformational experiences for young people as they offer safe environments for youth to ...

  8. Hope IS a Strategy

    aspects. This time of year can be more difficult for people, especially those who have Seasonal Affective ... Disorder (SAD) or it’s milder form Winter Depression. Most people develop symptoms in late fall or early ... remember there is HOPE! There are people (mental health professionals) who can and want to help. There are ...

  9. Sarah Orlando named 2022 Raymond A. Schindler Excellence in Community Development Extension Award Recipient

    teaching and research, her programs run from “K to gray,” reaching people from a variety of age ranges and ... owners, her programming typically reaches thousands of people per year. Her colleagues often receive ... with people from a variety of backgrounds and opinions and is great at finding common ground and paths ...

  10. National Nutrition Month Turns 50. How Would You Fare On MyPlate Test?

    people of all ages. For children, there are age-appropriate tasks they may enjoy. If you watch ...
